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I am a beginner at Django and I am attempting to create a custom table using a html template called law.html. Within law.html I have the following code. {% for name in all_data.Solicitor_Name %} {% endfor %} {% for office in all_data.Office %} {% endfor %} The output produces the desired table headings perfectly. Also, the Solicitor_Name column is filled with the desired data. However, I fail in my attempt to place the Office data in the next column. Instead, the data continues to populate the cells under the Solicitor_Name column. How do I format the code so that I can get my desired output that looks like this? Solicitor_Name Offices Address John Orange LLP 123 Main St Bill Apple LLP 124 Bone St here is my def law_view(request, *args, **kwargs): all_data = combine_data() return render(request, "law.html", {'all_data': all_data}) JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Solicitor_Names Offices Addresses Primary_Role Secondary_Role Other_Role Other_Role_1 Other_Role_2 Other_Role_3 Other_Role_4
{{ name }}
{{ office }}

1 Answer

0 votes
You have to construct your table row by row, not column by column. That also means that all_data should be a list of rows, not a dictionary of columns (which it seems to be now). So you want to construct all_data like this: [ {'name': 'Mr. Shaw', 'office': 'Orange LLP', 'address': '123 Main Str'}, {'name': 'Bill', 'office': 'Apple LLP', 'address': '124 Bone St'}, ... ] instead of like this: { 'name': ['Mr. Shaw', 'Bill', ...], 'office': ['Orange LLP', 'Apple LLP', ...], 'address': ['123 Bone St', ...] } If you're sure the lengths of your lists are all the same (it looks like it), you can transpose the second format to the first using: all_data = [{'name': all_data['name'][i], 'office': all_data['office'][i], ...} for i in range(len(all_data['name']))] or there's surely a function on DataFrame to do this (transpose()?) Then in your template you just have one loop: {% for solicitor in all_data %} {{ }}{{ }}... {% endfor %}

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