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I want each item to be sorted by a specific property value from a list of dictionaries I have. Take the following array into consideration: [{'name':'Robb', 'age':28}, {'name':'Robert', 'age':14}] It should become, [{'name':'Robert', 'age':14}, {'name':'Rob', 'age':28}] When sorted by name Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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Best answer
Instead of using cmp use a key it will make it look cleaner Newlist=sorted(list_to_be_sorted, key=lambadak: k[‘name’] Or you can also use fromoperator import itemgetter newlist=sorted(list_to_besorted, key=itemgetter(‘name’)) For completeness just add reverse=true to sort descending Newlist=sorted(1, key=itemgetter(‘name’), reverse=True) Make sure to write every command carefully. Happy Learning.

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