Recent questions tagged Python-faq

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    def multiple_dfs(xyz_file, sheet, *args): row=2 writer = pd.ExcelWriter(xyz_file, engine='openpyxl') df = pd. ... help me over this? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    In a list with range(1,16) and I am trying to divide this list in some fixed numbe n . Let's assume n=7 ... uneven, How can I do that? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I want to output to the screen using print function in Python, How can I do it? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I want to use python to connect to a MySQL database, how can I do that? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    I want to install MySQL_python adapter (v1.2.2) using a new virtual env I created with a - -no-site-packages ... How can I do it? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    I want to extract an extension from a filename in Python, How can I do that? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    In Python, How to remove trailing and leading whitespace from str ? For instance check this: " Hey" --> "Hey" " ... "Harsh has a dog" Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Can someone tell me how to find all the files in directory with .txt extension in Python? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    Is Django an important source to learn? Is it important in future? Can I grow with it? So questions: Can ... can work on Django? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    How to check which Python version is interpreting my script? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance